Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action"

April 13, 2019
Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉

Why do people like to litter on the street? For example, chewing gum. Apparently, we can find a lot of chewing gum stuck on the streets. We even might have experience stepping on it, or much worse getting it stuck on our clothes.

Do you know how hard to remove gum?

Based on other news, gum doesn't biodegrade. Once the gum is made, it is gum forever. Gum is just a nagging environmental problem. It is a litter. Is it difficult to dispose your own gum? Or do you want gum is going to cover our earth? Of course not!

In Korea, chewing a gum is one of habit. It is a simple way to do instead of brushing teeth after eating. How about in your country? The problem comes after it: people's selfishness throw their chewing gum on the street. Yeah, It is our global issue!

What is "Chewing Gum Action"?

Today, I join one of volunteer work about "Chewing Gum Action" (껌그림: Chewing Gum Painting). All volunteers get task to remove and paint gum. It looks like a simple activity, right? Hahaha! This is not only about clean the street, but it is an action for increasing society's awareness about our habit of throwing gum.

First step, we remove gum which are painted on last activity (I'm sorry I can't join before) on the street and put it into the garbage.

Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
Gum Removing by volunteers

Second step, we paint gum in the other side of the street. The paint itself is depends on volunteers will. We leave it until the next activity for removing, which will held on next month.
Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
Before and after based paint

Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
Gum Painting Activity by volunteers

Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
Gum Painting made by me (1)

Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
Gum Painting made by me (2)

Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
Gum Painting made by me (3)

Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
Gum Painting made by me (4)

Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
Paint by other volunteers, so cute they are!

We try to gain people's awareness by seeing it by themselves either while in progress and after it's done. Bin your gum, guys!!

About "청춘ON도" Voluntary Service

"청춘ON도" Voluntary Service (we can translate into "Youth-ON-Action") is a long-term period of volunteer work for university students who lived in Daegu. It is held by Daegu Jung-gu Volunteer Center (대구중구자원봉사센터) and volunteers has been designated since first of 2019. Period of volunteer work is one year, once a month in the second week.

I am a foreigner. But I can join it!
Beside me, other volunteers are Korean university students, both undergraduate and graduate schools.

Volunteer Work "Chewing Gum Action" 청춘ON도 중구자봉
All Gum Painting by 청춘ON도 Volunteers

So, what is next month program??

Daegu, April 12th 2019
#volunteerwork #daegu #봉사 #청춘ON도 #대구중구자원봉사센터 #대구

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