Asia Mart and Indonesian Restaurant at Gwangju, Jeolla Province

September 06, 2020

Is there any Asia Mart or Foreign Mart in Gwangju, Jeolla Province?
How about Indonesian Restaurant?

Yes, there are! 

As a foreigner lives in another country, it's usual thing to hear about these questions. I also tried to find mart and Indonesian restaurant after I arrived in this city. There are some Asia Marts in Gwangju. But, I would like to let you know about Asia/Foreign Mart and Indonesian Restaurant which is located in the same place. Moreover, they are easily accessible by public transportation.

Let's check it out!

Foreign Mart / Warung Nuna
Gwangju Gwangsan-gu Pyeongdongro 851, 3rd floor (near Pyeongdong Station)

Asia or Foreign Mart

This Mart is located on the 3rd floor.
This mart only sells foreign food-drink and its ingredients. There are some ingredients for Southeast Asian food and etc. I think the price is affordable. Moreover, I am so happy to find 'kangkung' here!

The Entrance, 3rd floor
Interior of Mart

The Ingredients


Indonesian Restaurant = "Warung Nuna"

It's one of Indonesian Restaurant at Gwangju, which is located near Pyeongdong Station. The good thing is there is an Indonesian Restaurant just beside the mart. Open Everyday, 11:00 - 22:00, the chef is an Indonesian.

The Interior
Bakso Ayam (Chicken Meatball)

Nasi Goreng Ayam (Fried Rice with Chicken)

Mie Goreng (Fried Noodle)

Tempe Mendoan

Es Campur


So I have tried bakso, mie ayam, nasi goreng ayam, orak-arik tempe, rendang, tempe mendoan, mie goreng. Also pisang goreng also es campur for dessert. This restaurant has a good taste of sambal, they seperate sambal for bakso and for chicken. So ask them!

- Personally, I like nasi goreng ayam. Especially the sambal!
- Mie goreng. Its mie goreng from indomie, not mie goreng tek-tek. Taste good of course.
- Tempe mendoan. It's nice but not 'mendoan' type.
- Bakso. So-so.
- For rendang, I hope will get more portion hahaha.
- Orak-arik tempe a little bit salty.
- Pisang goreng. They made it sweet fried banana with milk and chocolate on it.

How to get there?

As I explained above, mart and restaurant are easily accessible by public transportation. It is located near Pyoengdong St. (평동역), take off to exit number 3, walk about 3-5 minutes and you will find Seonyang Building (선양 빌딩) in the right side.

Go to 3rd floor and you will find the mart! The restaurant and billiard is inside the mart.

Map for Pyeongdong St. -> Mart and Restaurant

Seonyang Building from Outside

Beside Warung Nuna, there is other Indonesian Restaurant at Gwangsan-gu Gwangju name "Warteg Bahari".

Gwangju, 4th September 2020
#foreignmart #asiamart #indonesianrestaurant #gwangju


  1. Pas gw lihat harga di menu, gw mikir kok murah banget, trus langsung ingat, oh iya dalam won bukan Rupiah wkwk..
    Cil gw penasaran, apa kangkung ga bisa ditanam di Korea? gw kira orang Korea disini suka cah kangsung karena olahan masakannya, ternyata emang jarang ditemukan di Korea yah.

    1. Sorry for late reply!
      setau gue kangkung yang gue beli itu ditanam di Korea. Soalnya di bungkusnya tertulis asal daerahnya gitu. Cuma karena yang makan cuma foreigner jadi keliatannya pertaniannya ga banyak


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