Vietnam, February 7-14th 2012

February 27, 2012

picture is taken in airplane to HCMC

When everybody asked, “What do you want to do in Vietnam? There is no good thing there.” 
I didn't answered, but still wanted to go there. 
Then I did a good choice. Because went to Vietnam likes a journey for us (four people) especially to me and also gives me experiences.
Yup! there are many unpredictable things happened to us!

Like trip to Thailand last year, we booked return way ticket Jakarta-Ho Chi Minh 1 year before the day with the cheapest airline, Indonesia AirAsia. 
My sister, two friends of my sister, and I (same crew with Thai trip) went together again. I prepared 200 US but in the fact, I spent 250 US on this trip (included shopping). Woooowww... :D

Notes of Vietnam :
  • Vietnam is a country which has many motorcycles as transportation. 
  • Be careful when crossing the road. 80% of dead is because of traffic accidents. 
  • There are little person who can speak English, neither tourist polices nor the seller.
  • Indonesia and Vietnam’s price is same, especially for transportation. It surprised me because I thought Vietnam’s price is cheaper than here. 
  • There are many tour & travels there.
  • There are no 7eleven, just a little mini market by Vietnam itself. Same with market or supermarket which is far away. 
  • The departure time in Vietnam’s airline is earlier than ticket departure time. So you have to stand by at least 1hour before.  
  • There is no web check in. Although you had boarding pass from online check in, it’s unnecessary because we have to get our boarding pass in check in counter.
road at HCMC
(sister's picture)
The good things :
  • They warm to pedestrian because there are many pedestrian roads and big city parks. You can play, do sport or discussion with friends in these parks!
  • At the main street you can see two ways, for car and for motor.

Day by day Traveling in Vietnam....

Day 1 (February 7th)
Jakarta –Ho Chi Minh (HCMC)

We took airplane JKT-Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam’s capital) 16.30-19.20, which is no different time between Jakarta and HCMC. 
*don’t forget to prepare airplane taxes in Indonesia.

We rented Saigon Backpackers Hostel –recommended hostel! 
Dinner pho (Vietnam’s noodle) about 45.000 VND
Shopping at Midnight Market near Benthan Market.
Saigon Backpackers Hostel
Vietnam's Pho (noodle)

Day 2 (February 8th)
Tour to Temple (forgot the name) and Cuchi Tunnel

Tour began at 08.00 about 155.000 VND (lunch exlude)
*booked at any tour there
  •  We stop at painting maker to take drink or buy painting. 
how to painting
  • The temple. A religious place in Vietnam. In white color, they sat based on their level.  
the temple
  • Cuchi Tunnel. This place shows video about Vietnamese's struggle and their trap which is used in war against America. Then we try to go inside underground passage which could only be passed by squatting. 
one of the trap
the underground
 Dinner : pizza near our hostel *recommended place pic

Day 3 (February 9th)
Ho Chi Minh tour (ourself) – to Dallat

In this day, we went to :
1. Reunification Palace.
in front of Reunification Palace
(sister's picutre)

2. War Remnants Museum. This place shows us the collection of documentary photos and historical story about Vietnam wars against America. In front of this museum, we could see tank and plane which were used by American’s soldier.
portrait of Vietnamese
American's tank
3. Lunch at Lotteria + shop at Market there. Finally we ate fast food here, we ate there to minimize money but it’s same. Shop Trunyan Coffee which is the best and most famous coffee here. 
4. HCMC Cathedral + Post Office
in front of the church
Post Office
(sister's picutre)
5. Bentanh Market 

6. Go to Dallat, with sitting bus. HCMC – Dallat is about 6hours. We departed at 23.00pm and arrived at 6am in Dallat Bus Station.

food *don't know the name
Vietnam's coconut

(both are sister' picture)
Day 4 (February 10th)
Dallat City Tour – with The Sinh Tourist (the best tour and travel in Vietnam)
290.000 VND (9 place, lunch include)

Dallat is a small city. This city looks like France. But, I love Dallat!

1. Bao Dai Summer Palace.
2. Crazy House.
3. Robin Hill. Cable car for view Dallat city from above. (we didn’t take cable car)
4. Buddhist Meditation Monastery & Paradise Lake.
5. Prenn Waterfall. We could use coster for return way 40.000 VND, like roller coster.
the waterfall
(sister's picture)
6. Valley of Love. This place shows love! <3
the one hand is giving ring to other (sister's picture)
7. Traditional Embroidery Village
made by hand, it's embroidery
(sister's picture)
8. Do Lat Jam Workshop. Try and buy some Vietnam's snacks.
9. Flower Garden. *We didn’t go to this place because we had to go to Dan Ang at 16.00 with sleeper bus. Dan Ang sleeper bus 280.000 VND.

Notes :
  • You can use motor or bicycle to tour in this city or take a tour.
  • There is no public transportation inside this city.
  • Cold weather.

Day 5 (February 11th)
Dan Ang – Hoi An – Marble Mountain – go to Hanoi

We arrived in Dan Ang Bus Station at 07.30. Then we bought ticket to Hanoi 340.000 VND (sitting bus).  Pic sleeper bus

To Hoi An, we took the yellow bus (public transportation). It took 1-2 hours, we had to pay 50.000 VND.
*I don’t know is it the real price or not? Because we are foreigners.

From Hoi An bus station, we took ‘ojek’ to Ancient Town in Hoi An. Actually this place looks like China Town in Indonesia and this ancient town has become a shop where sell many traditional souvenirs.
the one of temple
(sister's picture)
Around this town then we go to Marble Mountain, which is located between Hoi An and Dan Ang.
Use car to go there, route Hoi An – Marble Mountain – Dan Ang Bus Station 735.000 VND for 4persons.
Budha in Marble Mountain
(sister's picture)
Marble Mountain
(sister's picture)

Day 6 (February 12th)
Hanoi 1
We arrived at Hanoi about 07.30 then we went to our hostel by taxi. Our hostel at Little Hanoi Hostel
*very recommended!! We got free breakfast although we checked in at the afternoon. They have nice staff and have tour also.
1. Temple of Literature
2. Dong Xuan Market. This is the cheapest market here, looks like Senen Market in Indonesia. Open until 5pm everyday. 
Dong Xuan Market

Day 7 (February 13th)
Halong Bay Tour 1day

We took Halong Bay tour from our hostel
  • Souvenirs Place
  • Halong Bay and Cave. We took boat to go there. Actually Halong has big place, but we just can see 5% from all. We took ‘roundboat’ to see inside the Halong, others take Kayak King (same with canoe) just for 2 persons. Then we went inside the cave. Actually it’s just a same cave that we can see in Indonesia, but it has an eye catching-color light. I hope that our country as creative as Vietnam to explore our tourism place.
a stone which likes a dog
the school and houses
Halong's view from boat
 Notes :
  • The best time to go there at May-October
  • It’s good to take 2 day 1 night

Day 8 (February 14th)
Last day Hanoi – HCMC – Jakarta
Ho Chi Minh's Mosseloum

This is the last day for us in Vietnam. Because we booked airplane Jkt-HCMC-Jkt, so we had to go back to HCMC.
  • Ho Chi Minh Mosseloum + Palace. Free, but we had to follow their way then finally pay 25.000 VND because we had to go to Palace. This place has Ho Chi Minh’s corpse. Just him in this entire building! Yup, he is still has a good body and also handsome like sleep! 
*this is military area! No photos, no drink&food! You have to follow all their instructions. It’s forbidden for tourists/visitor who don't have any appointment before. This building is surrounded by army, just to protect him
  • Dong Xuan Market (again)
  • We took airplane to HCMC by Vietnam Airlines. We spent all our VND for the last. Then went back to Jakarta.
Hanoi's Airport
(sister's picture)
Notes of Hanoi :
  • When I went there it was winter (not same with winter in 4 seasons country, it was just 10˚C here). Prepare your clothes! Or you can buy here, it’s cheap here! Because I also bought jacket here for only 300.000 VND! People have Korean style on their dresses.
  • Hanoi is the city to shopping! (for me). Cheaper and there also many shops here, especially around Dong Xuan Market.


us! *taken in HalongBay
That's all our journey to Vietnam!
really love it :-*

Let's go travelling!

and I learn something, my sister's quote :
"No Regret, Just Enjoy"
 -no matter what you get on trip, just enjoy! 
because maybe you never come back to there again- 

*photos by me, exclude the pictures which have caption 'sister's picture

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